Giffnock restaurant's food donation helps fuel QEUH staff through pandemic

New Victoria ACH endoscopy teamNew Victoria ACH endoscopy team
New Victoria ACH endoscopy team
The Queen Elizabeth University Hospital (QEUH) has welcomed a £7,000 donation of drinks and snacks which is helping to keep staff energised as they care for patients during the pandemic.

The kind donation from the Turban Tandoori in Giffnock means every ward in the main hospital has received a delivery of sweets, crisps and juice to fuel their long shifts and help them relax during their breaks.A whopping 16 pallets, each containing upwards of a thousand drinks and snacks, was delivered at the weekend and distributed throughout the hospital , with additional stock being delivered to the New Victoria and Gartnavel campuses.It is not the first time the Turban Tandoori has helped out the QEUH, having donated £2,270 during the first wave to help NHSGGC set up its now renowned R&R hubs which continue to provide a dedicated space for staff to relax on their breaks.Morag Gardner, Chief Nurse for NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde’s South sector, said: “On behalf of all our the staff at QEUH, we’d like to thank the Turban Tandoori for their kind donation.“The QEUH is privileged to have such compassionate businesses in the local community who recognise the intense pressure our frontline staff are under and who want to help out in any way they can. Gestures like these go a long way to helping raise morale and remind staff that we’re all in this together.“Again, our thanks go out to any business, individual or organisation which has volunteered or donated or supported the QEUH. The community’s response has been immense and is testament to the spirit of Greater Glasgow and Clyde.”