East Renfrewshire libraries scrap late fees

No need to worry about returning your books lateNo need to worry about returning your books late
No need to worry about returning your books late
East Renfrewshire libraries will no longer fine readers for returning books late.

East Renfrewshire Culture and Leisure Trust hope this will make its libraries more accessible and encourage more use of local library services.

The Trust is also working towards wiping all existing fines and aims to have these removed as soon as possible.

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Scott Simpson, head of Libraries and Information Services, said: "We want our libraries to be welcoming community spaces, where people return to use our resources, enjoy reading and discover new books. Late fees can prevent people from coming along and they can also adversely affect those most in need of a public library service.

"The majority of our readers already return books on time and our library app and online book reservation service make it easier for readers to manage their book loans.

"We hope to see more customers return and perhaps some outstanding books will find their way back home too."